HAPP Stock

NOV Inc [NOV] moved up 0.16: Why It’s Important

NOV Inc [NYSE: NOV] closed the trading session at $18.88. The stocks have a year to date performance of -6.90 percent and weekly performance of 3.96 percent. The stock has been moved at -9.23 percent over the last six months. The stock has performed 1.78


Market cap of NOV Inc [NOV] reaches 7.05B – now what?

NOV Inc [NYSE: NOV] gained 1.25% or 0.22 points to close at $17.83 with a heavy trading volume of 3746637 shares. The daily chart for NOV points out that the company has recorded -5.76% loss over the past six months. If we look at the


For NOV Inc [NOV], Analyst sees a drop to $30. What next?

NOV Inc [NYSE: NOV] loss -0.85% or -0.16 points to close at $18.59 with a heavy trading volume of 6255680 shares. The daily chart for NOV points out that the company has recorded -9.76% loss over the past six months. If we look at the


For NOV Inc [NOV], Analyst sees a drop to $30. What next?

NOV Inc [NYSE: NOV] surged by $0.08 during the normal trading session on while it closed the day at $20.10. The company report on March 26, 2024 at 6:30 AM that NOV Announces First Quarter 2024 Earnings Conference Call. NOV Inc. (NYSE: NOV) will hold