Micropolis Holding Co [AMEX: MCRP] jumped around 1.69 points on Thursday, while shares priced at $4.24 at the close of the session, up 66.66%.
Compared to the average trading volume of 275.20K shares, MCRP reached a trading volume of 3611448 in the most recent trading day, which is why market watchdogs consider the stock to be active.
How has MCRP stock performed recently?
Overbought and oversold stocks can be easily traced with the Relative Strength Index (RSI), where an RSI result of over 70 would be overbought, and any rate below 30 would indicate oversold conditions. An RSI rate of 50 would represent a neutral market momentum. The RSI for the last a single of trading hit N/A. The present Moving Average recorded at N/A for the last single week of trading.