Kestra Medical Technologies Ltd [NASDAQ: KMTS] price surged by 28.47 percent to reach at $4.84.
Guru’s Opinion on Kestra Medical Technologies Ltd [KMTS]:
The Average True Range (ATR) for Kestra Medical Technologies Ltd is set at 1.95, with the Price to Sales ratio for KMTS stock in the period of the last 12 months amounting to 0.05.
KMTS Stock Performance Analysis:
Overbought and oversold stocks can be easily traced with the Relative Strength Index (RSI), where an RSI result of over 70 would be overbought, and any rate below 30 would indicate oversold conditions. An RSI rate of 50 would represent a neutral market momentum. The RSI for the last a single of trading hit N/A. The present Moving Average recorded at N/A for the last single week of trading.
Insight into Kestra Medical Technologies Ltd Fundamentals:
Kestra Medical Technologies Ltd’s liquidity data is similarly interesting compelling, with a Quick Ratio of 2.67 and a Current Ratio set at 2.81.