The share price of Stratasys Ltd. (SSYS) jumped 12.53% to $35.84. A positive comment prompted the move, suggesting the company’s potential leadership in the photopolymer printing segment.
Stratasys Ltd. (SSYS) shares have received a buy recommendation from Stifel with a target price of $40. Because of its simple strategy of strengthening its position in the high-precision photopolymer printing market, the company received positive feedback. Origin, a manufacturer of such printers, was acquired by the company in December 2020.
In the 3D printing metal products market, recent years have seen several players expand their competencies. These printers melt the metal powder with a laser or another powerful point heat source and then “grow” parts of any desired shape. A good example of this is the use of printed metal parts in SpaceX rocket engines.
Despite the small growth potential of photopolymer printing, high-speed, ultra-precision printing is considered an important application in large-scale, high-volume prints. Stratasys 3D printers are used to create extremely accurate casting molds, such as those used in dentistry. Personalized products such as spectacle frames can also print on photopolymer printers.
Therefore, 3D printing has a promising future, and Stratasys Ltd (SSYS) can be the big beneficiary.